Thursday, September 27, 2007


Today, Mike and Lukas went and bought a Trabant that we had checked out yesterday. What is a Trabant you might ask? It's a car that was designed and mass-produced during the Soviet reign over Eastern Europe; it's a Communist car.

It was 3500 Czech crowns, equivalent to $175.00 Canadian. Built in 1982, it is still in mint condition. It runs on a lawnmower engine. Top speed: 95kmph. We'll be touring around Europe in it. I'm excited.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for emailing me your posts. Please be sure to check your hotmail account.


Anonymous said...

Interesting. You might want to get a fire extinguisher because I think Trabants were subject to engine fires. Someone commented, when told of this purchase: "Aren't they the cars that were partly made out of some kind of cardboard that gets soggy when wet?"
Anyway, good luck, take care and whatever you do stay off the Autobahn!

Anonymous said...

Hard to imagine Lukas driving a car that can't even reach 100kmph. Those countrysides are gonna past by very slowly....have fun!

claire said...

Hahaha I just heard about these cars yesterday! That is great. I hope, for your troupe's sake, that it doesn't rain too much while you are touring.