Friday, September 28, 2007


Our cabin is situated a few kilometers from the Czech town of Horsovsky Tyn, in a small isolated neighborhood known as Horni Valdorf. In this tiny village many people know the Hyrman family
(Lukas') quite well. Today one of our neighbors participated in an amateur Rally race in another nearby town and we came out to show our support, as Mike and Lukas are both big Rally fans.

Rally racing is a cheifly European sport. It differs from other types of car racing in that the track is typically a winding, public country road that is closed off on the day of the event. Spectators can only see each car once each round because there is no way to spectate the whole track, so they gather at hairpin turns and other locations that let them see exciting drifts or crashes. It was good fun, and aside from waiting to see our neighbor fly by, in the last heat we got to see someone knock over a yield sign.

Mike's Australian Shepherd puppy that has stayed with us the last four or five days still has no name. He reminds me of parker.

Busses are quite cheap here so we may head to Croatia or another place for a few days. Valdorf is a great home base for exploring Europe, so there is a lot of potential in the way of places to go.


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